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Optimización del blanqueamiento dental no vital.
Martín B, Barciela N, Amengual J, Castro L, Madureira R. Maxillaris 162: 2013; 118-129.
Reconstrucción del diente blanqueado con resinas compuestas.
Llambés G, Amengual J, Forner L. Gaceta Dental. 2013; 244: 104-111.
Two-Year Clinical Performance of a Low-Shrinkage Composite in Posterior Restorations.
Baracco B, Perdigão J, Cabrera E,Ceballos L.Oper Dent. 2013 Apr 9.
Bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to different treated indirect composites.
Fuentes MV, Ceballos L, González-López S. Clin Oral Investig. 2013;17:717-24. doi: 10.1007/s00784-012-0752-y.
Variabilidad morfológica clínica del sistema de conductos de la raíz mesial del primer molar mandibular: análisis de 150 casos.
Almenar A, Forner L, Llena C, Ubet V. Endodoncia. 2012; 30: 7-12.
Therapeutic effectiveness of a new enzymatic bleaching dentifrice.
Forner L, Amengual J, Llena C, Riutord P. EurJ Esthet Dent. 2012; 7 :62-70.
Review of ultrasonic irrigation in endodontics: increasing action of irrigating solutions.
Mozo S, Forner L, Llena C. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012; 1;17e: 512-6.
Blanqueamiento dental vital combinado.
Amengual J, Llambés G, Forner L, Castro L, Madureira R. Labor Dental. 2012; 13: 156-162.
Soluciones estéticas con resinas compuestas I: Técnica directa. Casos clínicos.
Llambés G, Amengual J, Forner L. Labor Dental. 2012; 13: 6-12.
Effect of thermal aging on the tensile bond strength at reduced areas of seven current adhesives.
Baracco B, Fuentes MV, Garrido MA, González-López S, Ceballos L. Odontology. 2012 Jul 13.
Influence of Post-cure Time on the Microhardness of Self-Adhesive Resin Cements Inside the Root Canal.
Baena E, Fuentes M, Garrido M, Rodríguez J, Ceballos L. Oper Dent. 2012;37:548-56. doi: 10.2341/11-079-L.
Microhardness of different resin cement shades inside the root canal.
Vignolo V, Fuentes MV, Garrido MA, Rodríguez J,Ceballos L. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 Sep 1;17(5):e859-64.
Clinical Evaluation of a Low-shrinkage Composite in Posterior Restorations: One-Year Results.
Baracco B, Perdigão J, Cabrera E, Giráldez I, Ceballos L. Operative Dentistry 2012.
Regional Variations of mTBS of Light- and Chemically-cured Resin Composite Restorations in Clinically Relevant Situations.
De la Macorra JC y Cabrera E. Journal of adhesive Dentistry 2012; 14(6):551-559.
Differences in Cyclic Fatigue Resistance at Apical and Coronal Levels of Reciproc and WaveOne New Files.
Arias A, Perez-Higueras JJ, de la Macorra JC. Journal of Endodontics 2012; 38(9):1244-1248.
Color dental en un grupo de población de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Amengual J, Llambés G, Llena C, Forner L. Labor Dental 2011; 12: 144-53.
Blanqueamiento dental vital domiciliario: una opción eficaz en el tratamiento de las discoloraciones dentales.
Amengual J, Llambés G, Forner L, Castro L, Madureira R. Labor Dental. 2011; 12: 182-189.
Incorporación del Blanqueamiento dental vital en la práctica clínica diaria.
Amengual J, Forner L. Gaceta Dental. 2011; 223: 104-115..
Relationship between tobacco smoke and dental caries in school children at the Valencian Country.
Carbajosa García S, Llena Puy C. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2011; 85:217-25.
Oval Fiber Posts Do Not Improve Adaptation to Oval-shaped Canal Walls.
Muñoz C, Llena C, Forner L. J Endod. 2011; 37:1386-9.
Relationship between contact with tobacco smoke and dental caries in a10to15year-old population in the community of Valencia.
Carbajosa S, Llena C. Aten Primaria 2011; 43:385-6.
Toothguide training box for dental color choice training.
Llena C, Forner L, Ferrari M, Amengual J, Llambes G, Lozano E. J Dent Educ. 2011; 75:360.
In vitro evaluation of the efficacy of two bleaching procedures.
Llambes G, Llena C, Amengual J, Forner L. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011; 16:e845-51.
Reliability of two color selection devices in matching and measuring tooth color.
Llena C, Lozano E, Amengual J, Forner L. J Contemp Dent Pract 2011; 12: 19-23.
Gingival bleeding reduction using a carbamide peroxide based tooth paste with lactoperoxidase.
Dominguez-Moreira S, Llena-Puy C, Forner-Navarro L, Martínez-Canut P, Amengual-Lorenzo J. J Clin Exp Dent. 2011; 3:e452-5.
Caries en una población militar española.
Mombiedro Sandoval R, Llena Puy C. Sanidad Militar. 2011; 67: 36-42.
Parental satisfaction with children’s primary dental care in Valencia.
Llena C, Clemente G, Forner L. Prim Dent Care.2011; 18:25-30.
Comparation of the eutectic mixture of lidocaine/prilocain versus benzocaine gel in children.
Leyda AM, Llena C. Open Journal of Stomatology. 2011; 1, 84-91.
Blanqueamiento dental enzimático. Estado actual.
Riutord P, Boyeras J, Martínez Jover A, Forner L, Amengual J. Gaceta Dental. 2011; 222: 106-110.
Micro/nano scratch of tooth enamel rod affected by bleaching treatment.
Garrido MA, Giráldez I, Ceballos L, Rodríguez J. Wear 2011; 271:2334-2339.
Early Hardness of self-adhesives resin cements cured under indirect resin composite restorations.
Giráldez I, Ceballos L, Garrido MA, Rodríguez J. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2011; 23: 116-125.
Frequently Asked Questions in Composite Restorative Dentistry.
McConnell R, Sabbagh J, de la Macorra JC, Lund A, Cassidy M. Dental Update 2011; 38(549-556).
Microtensile bond strength distributions of three composite materials with different polymerization shrinkages bonded to dentin.
Cabrera E, de la Macorra JC. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2011; 13(39-48).
Dietary habits of a school population and implications for oral health.
Llena C, Forner L. Minerva Estomatol. 2010: 59: 173-80.
Shaping ability of nickel-titanium rotary instruments in simulated S-shaped root canals.
Madureira R, Forner L, Llena C, Costa M. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endo. 2010; 109:e136-e144.
Microstructure alterations of rotary files after multiple simulated operative procedures.
Luzi A, Forner L, Almenar A, Llena C. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2010; 15: 2658-62.
Blanqueamiento dental vital en la consulta quimioactivado.
Amengual J, Llambes G, Llena C, Forner L. Maxillaris 2010;135; 156-166.
Modificación de la luminosidad en dientes en los que es dificil apreciar su modificación de color tras ser sometidos a tratamiento blanqueador.
Amengual J, Forner L, Riutord P. Labor Dental. 2010; 11: 182-185.
Comparision of the mechanical properties of dentin and enamel determined by different nanoindentation techniques: conventional method and continuous stiffness measurement.
Giráldez I, Garrido MA, Gómez del Río T, Ceballos L, Rodríguez J. Bol Soc Esp Ceram 2010; 49: 177-182.
Apical transportation created using three different patency instruments.
J. A. Gonzalez Sanchez, F. Duran-Sindreu, M. Albuquerque Matos, T. Garcia Carabaño, M. Mercade Bellido, S. Morello Castro, M. Roig Cayón. International Endodontic Journal Volume 43, Issue 7, pages 560–564, July 2010
Navajas Rodriguez de Mondelo JM; Pulgar Encinas R.;Lucena Martín C.; Navajas Nieto C. Revista Europea de Odontoestomatología 2009. versión electrónica http://www.redoe.com
The in vitro effect of repeated bonding on the shear bond strength with different enamel conditioning procedures
Ana I. Nicolas; Ascension Vicente; Luis A. Bravo Eur J Orthod 2009 Dec 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Microscopy in Determining the Stiffness and Adhesion Force of Human Dentin After Exposure to Bleaching Agent
Forner L, Salmeron-Sanchez M, Palomares M, Llena C, Amengual J. J Endod. 2009; 35 (10): 1384-6
Leopoldo Forner, Manuel Salmerón-Sa ́nchez, María Palomares, Carmen Llena and José Amengual. J Endod. 2009; 35(10):1384-1386.
Relationship between Postendodontic Pain, Tooth Diagnostic Factors, and Apical Patency.
Ana Arias, Dr. Odont, Magdalena Azabal, Juan J. Hidalgo and José C. de la Macorra. Med J Endod. 2009; 35:189–192.
Effectiveness of a Manual Glide Path on the Preparation of Curved Root Canals by Using Mtwo Rotary Instruments.
David Uroz-Torres, BDS, María Paloma González-Rodríguez and Carmen María Ferrer-Luque. J Endod. 2009;35:699–702.
Antimicrobial efficacy of 4.2% sodium hypochlorite adjusted to pH 12, 7.5, and 6.5 in infected human root Canals
Montse Mercade, Fernando Duran-Sindreu,a Sergio Kuttler, Miguel Roig and Nuria Durany. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009; 107 (2):295-298.
A new approach to endodontic treatment and operative procedure in nonendodontically treated posterior crown root fractures.
Santiago González-López, María Purificación González-Villafranca, María Victoria Bolaños-Carmona, and Mario Menéndez-Nuñez. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009;108:106-110.
Demineralization effects of hydrogen peroxide on bovine enamel and relation of shear bond strength of brackets.
Santiago González-López, Carmen Lucia Soares G. de Medeiros, Camejo-Aguilar Defren, María Victoria Bolaños-Carmona, Purificación Sanchez-Sanchez, Mario Menendez-Nuñez. J Adhes Dent. 2009; Vol 11 (3).
Effects of phosphoric acid on bovine enamel bleached with carbamide peroxide.
De Medeiros C L S G, González López S, Bolaños- Carmona MV, Sanchez-Sanchez P, Bolaños-Carmona J. Eur J Oral Sei 2008; 116: 66-71.
Wettability and bonding of self-etching dental adhesives influence of the smear layer.
Aguilar-Mendoza JA, Rosales-Leal J I, Rodríguez Valverde M A, González-López S, Cabrerizo-Vílchez M A. Dental Materials 2008; 24: 994-1000.
Effect of acid etching on dentin wettability and roughness: self-etching primers versus phosphoric acid.
Aguilar Mendoza JA, Rosales-Leal JI, Rodríguez Valverde MA, Cabrerizo- Vílchez MA. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2008; 84B: 277-285.
Dietary habits in a child population in relation to caries experience.
LLena C, Forner L. Caries Res 2008; 42: 387-393.
Effect of acid etching on dentin wettability and roughness: self-etching primers versus phosphoric acid.
Aguilar Mendoza JA, Rosales-Leal JI, Rodríguez Valverde MA, Cabrerizo- Vílchez MA. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2008; 84B: 277-285.
Decalcififying effect of EDTA, 15% citric acid, 5% phosphoric acid and 2.5 sodium hypochlorite on root canal dentine.
Pérez-Heredia M, Ferrer Luque C.M, González Rodríguez M P, Martín Peinado F J & González López S. Int End J 2008; 41: 418-423.
In vitro electrical impedance spectroscopy of human dentine: The effect of restorative Materials.
Rivas B, Botta Pablo, Varela P, Martín B, Fondado A, Rivas J. Bioelectromagnetics 2008; 29: 163-168. ( PREMIO AL MEJOR ARTICULO PUBLICADO SEOC 2008).
Implantes inmediatos postextracción con reposición de la estética.
Navajas Rgez. de Mondelo J.M. ,Pulgar Encinas R.M. ;Navajas Nieto JM,; Lucena Martín C.; Navajas Nieto C. .Redoe. Vers. electr. 2008. http://www.redoe.com
Estudio de la sonrisa y de la forma de los dientes de cien alumnos de odontología.
Urrejola Ballesteros A.; Marín Corencia C.; Ruíz Escolano G.; Lucena Martín C.;Pulgar Encinas R.;Navajas Rodriguez de Mondelo JM. Revista Europea de Odontoestomatología 2008.http://www.redoe.com
Particularidades ópticas y morfológicas de los dientes que les confieren individualidad ( I parte)
Navajas Rgez. de Mondelo JM; Lucena Martín C.; Navajas Nieto C.; Pulgar Encinas R. Revista Europea de Odontostomatología 2008. http:/www.redoe.com
The corrosion of nickel-titanium rotary endodontic instruments in sodium hypochlorite.
X. R. Nóvoa, B. Martin-Biedma, P. Varela-Patiño, A. Collazo, A. Macías-Luaces, G. Cantatore, M. C. Pérez, F. Magán-Muñoz. International Endodontic Journal 2007, 40:36-44.
Polymerization shrinkage influences microtensile bond strength.
Cabrera E, de la Macorra JC. Journal of Dental Research 2007; 86(3): 227-231
Mechanical characterization of resin cements used for luting fiber posts by nanoindentation.
Laura Ceballos, Miguel Angel Garrido, Victoria Fuentes and Jesús Rodríguez.Dent Mater. 2006, [Pub. electrónica previo impresa] 2006 Jan 23.
Uso de las bases Cavitarias en Odontologia Conservadora Actual.
José Manuel Navajas Rodríguez de Mondelo, Cristina Lucena Martín, Rosa María Pulgar Encinas, Santiago González López.Revista Europea de Odontoestomatología Sólo en formato electrónico: http://www.redoe.com
Method to compare μ-tensile bond strength of a self-etching adhesive and μ-cohesive strength of adjacent dentin.
De la Macorra JC, San-Nicolás A.Dent Mater. 2005, 21:946-953.
The Influence of a Manual Glide Path on the Separation Rate of NiTi Rotary Instruments.
Patino PV, Biedma BM, Liebana CR, Cantatore G, Bahillo JG.J Endod. 2005, 31:114-116.
Effects of etching time of primary dentin on interface morphology and microtensile bond strength.
Bolanos-Carmona V, Gonzalez-Lopez S, Briones-Lujan T, De Haro-Munoz C, de la Macorra JC. Dent Mater. 2005, 30: 245-233.
Comparative study of root canals instrumented manually and mechanically, with and without Er:YAG laser.
Biedma BM, Varela Patino P, Park SA, Barciela Castro N, Magan Munoz F, Gonzalez Bahillo JD, Cantatore G. Photomed Laser Surg. 2005, 23:465-9.
A clinical and radiographic comparison of caries diagnosed in approximal surfaces of posterior teeth in a low-risk population of 14-year-old children.
Llena-Puy C, Forner L. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2005, 3:47-52.